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A stream of consciousness.

My very simple blog setup


With the recent descent into AI madness of the Wordpress folks there have been a few people on Mastodon looking for other hosting options, so I figured I’d do a quick “here is how I set up my blog” post.

The short version is that it’s a static site generated with Hugo, hosted on the file sharing space provided by Fastmail to its email customers. This is pretty easy and doesn’t cost me anything more than I was already paying for my email, but might be missing some of the features other people need.

Edit: This page has been updated to reflect my updated posting system using rclone and GitLab CI.


Current desk setup

keyboards desk-setup

I’m pretty happy with my current desk setup at home as far as ergonomics go. I have a small house and there is a small part of that small house where a small computer desk lives.


Command 65 by Play Keyboard


Build details:

This is the first in my series of posts about my keyboard collection; not because it’s my favourite, or because it’s the most expensive or the best, but because it’s really easy to photograph.


Travelling with an iPhone

Possibly the best new feature Apple has added to its iPhone for a long time is StandBy Mode, where if you put your phone horizontally on a charger (it works best with a MagSafe/Qi, but as long as the phone is charging and horizontal it will work), it shows a special horizontal display. There are various things it will display, but the only one I ever use shows the time in big numbers, like an old clock radio. Read more...


A traditional first (and often only) blog post is “here is how I set up my blog”. You could call this a negative first blog post, because I haven’t actually set one up yet, but this will be posted to it when I have. On Mastodon recently someone said they had opinions they wanted to write but didn’t want the whole rigamarole of a blog, and I joking suggesting finding a Unix shell and writing a . Read more...
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